

This is homepage of ham radio station oh5hba. Info about me and my station, which may interest other ham operators can be found thru menu. This page contains links that I use often in my everyday life. Reason for this site is just for own fun and it helps to find important things when i’m not at my own computer.

Interesting news feeds from different sources:


  • It sometimes seems as though computing power in your pocket is a relatively new phenomenon, but in fact there have been ultraportable computers since the 8-bit era. They started to …read more
  • Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) are commonly used for machine vision purposes, where they are tasked with object recognition. This is accomplished by taking a multi-layer network and using a training …read more
  • An object of desire back in the mid-1990s might have been Apple’s QuickTake camera. In a form factor not unlike a monocular it packed a 640×480 digital camera, the images …read more
  • Most electromagnetic actuators are rotating motors, or some variation on the theme, like servos. However, it’s possible to do linear actuation with electomagnetics, too. [Adrian Perez] demonstrates this with Linette, …read more
  • Between World War II and Y2K, shortwave listening was quite an education. With a simple receiver, you could listen to the world. Some of it, of course, was entertainment, and …read more


  • LEGO’s minifigs are the perfect canvas for creativity, as their simple plastic forms provide enough constraint to force people to consider their art and design choices. That’s exactly the kind of pressure that Wicked Makers’ Jaimie and Jay thrive under, leading them to build this delightfully realistic oversized animatronic LEGO minifig zombie. While this isn’t […]
  • Art is very personal and we often consider the process of creation itself when evaluating the resulting piece. Does a sculpture have more artistic value when molded by human hands rather than a 3D printer? Most would say that it does. But what if the automation was, itself, part of the art? Yuichiro Katsumoto explored […]
  • If you have an interest in robotics, then a robot arm is a great educational tool to start your journey. But professional robot arms are expensive and the DIY route is more informative anyway. That’s especially true if you take the time to design the arm yourself, as did Oliver Paff after he got himself […]
  • As you might have heard, on July 9th, Arm announced that the Mbed platform and OS are officially destined to reach end of life in July 2026, and therefore will no longer be maintained. The news has sent ripples through the embedded development community, particularly affecting brands like micro:bit, Raspberry Pi and, of course, Arduino […]
  • One of the primary goals of wearable technology is to provide the user with capabilities and data that exceed their current abilities. And for motion, this has traditionally existed in the form of electrical muscle stimulation (EMS), where current is applied via electrodes to muscles, or as external motors and gearing that forcefully manipulate limbs. […]



  • The old-school tower PC is modular, sustainable — and cool looking! The post Build a PC From Scratch appeared first on Make: DIY Projects and Ideas for Makers.
  • An interview with choreoboticist Catie Cuan, Ph.D about teaching robots to move more naturally. The post Emotion in Robot Motion appeared first on Make: DIY Projects and Ideas for Makers.
  • A project from Ireland, JellyLab X AnatomyHacks, will be on display at MF Rome this October 25-27th about DIY medical innovations. The post JellyLab X AnatomyHacks: Seeing the Unseen appeared first on Make: DIY Projects and Ideas for Makers.
  • The Kobra3 is a steal for your first 3D printer. The post Review: AnyCubic Kobra 3 appeared first on Make: DIY Projects and Ideas for Makers.
  • In the heart of Budapest, Hungary, innovation and education converge at the AKG School's robotics club, AKG Robotics. Here, students are not only learning about technology but are actively creating it. The post From Hungary to Maker Faire Rome: AKG Robotics + Piezo Young Makers appeared first on Make: DIY Projects and Ideas for Makers.